Madrid Stock Exchange Listings

The table below details the members of the Madrid Stock Exchange which DividendMax tracks

Company Ticker Price Market Cap Indices
Acciona ANA €111.50 €6.1bn IBEX 35
Acerinox ACX €9.73 €2.4bn IBEX 35
ACS, Actividades de Construccion Y Servicios, S.A. ACS €48.20 €13.1bn IBEX 35 STOXX600
Aedas Homes S.A. AEDAS €24.55 €1.1bn
Aena S.M.E. S.A. AENA €200.20 €30.0bn IBEX 35 STOXX600
Amadeus IT Group S.A. AMS €67.66 €30.5bn IBEX 35 STOXX600
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. BBVA €10.34 €59.6bn Euro Stoxx 50 IBEX 35 FTSE Eurotop 100 S&P Global 100 TSIC Euro30 STOXX600
Banco Santander S.A. SAN €4.80 €72.7bn Euro Stoxx 50 IBEX 35 FTSE Eurotop 100 S&P Global 100 TSIC Euro30 STOXX600
Bankinter SA BKT €8.20 €7.4bn IBEX 35 STOXX600
CaixaBank, S.A CABK €5.56 €39.9bn IBEX 35 STOXX600
Catalana Occidente GCO €38.00 €4.6bn
Cellnex Telecom S.A. CLNX €32.13 €22.7bn IBEX 35 STOXX600
Clinica Baviera CBAV €32.60 €532mn
Compania De Distribucion Integral Logista Holdings S.A. LOG €29.68 €3.9bn
Ebro Foods S.A EBRO €15.80 €2.4bn
Enagas SA ENG €12.07 €3.2bn IBEX 35 STOXX600
Ence Energia Y Celulosa, S.A. ENC €3.37 €829mn
Endesa S.A. ELE €21.09 €22.3bn IBEX 35 STOXX600
Fomento De Construcciones Y Contratas, S.A. FCC €9.18 €4.2bn
Gestamp Automocion S.A. GEST €2.51 €1.4bn
Grupo Empresarial San Jose S A GSJ €5.28 €343mn
Iberdrola S.A. IBE €13.30 €84.6bn Euro Stoxx 50 IBEX 35 FTSE Eurotop 100 STOXX600
Industria De Diseno Textil SA ITX €49.38 €153.9bn Euro Stoxx 50 IBEX 35 FTSE Eurotop 100 BBC Global 30 TSIC Euro30 STOXX600
Inmobiliaria Colonial Socimi S.A. COL €5.31 €3.3bn STOXX600
Inmobiliaria Del Sur ISUR €9.95 €186mn
Inmocemento S.A. IMC €3.14 €1.4bn
International Consolidated Airlines Group SA IAG €1.92 €9.4bn IBEX 35
Laboratorios Farmaceuticos Rovi S.A. ROVI €60.30 €3.1bn
Linea Directa Aseguradora S.A. Compania De Seguros Y Reaseguros LDA €1.07 €1.2bn
Lingotes Especiales LGT €6.72 €67mn