Our Accuracy
This graph illustrates most of our predictions are perfect or very close.
The left-most bar shows we get 17.9% of our dividend predictions exactly right, and the second bar shows that we get 55.8% within 10% variance of the actual amount. For example, if we estimate a security’s dividend of £1.00 and then its company declares it as £1.05, then we’re out by 5%.
DividendMax has been predicting dividends since 2011 and we’re proud of our track record.
How are we so accurate?
Our recipe is simple to explain and difficult to replicate. Each analyst conducts lots of research into each individual stock, reading company reports and reviewing the history of dividends before making a prediction. Since they each focus on a specific region, they have accumulated a unique set of expertise over the lifetime of our product. Being both thorough and experienced makes the difference.
How do we make our predictions?
Our estimates are based on:
- Each company’s stated dividend policy
- Market announcements
- Patterns in payment history
- Trading environment (geopolitical influences)
- Our analysts’ expertise in various industries and regions
- Changes to issued share capital
- Market analysts’ sentiment
What do we predict?
We estimate dividends up to four years ahead, predicting the timing and amount of each individual dividend.
This means predicting:
- Declaration date
- Ex-dividend date
- Record date
- Pay date
- Amount
for our global database of over 1,600 stocks.
As the dividend’s declaration date approaches we may revise each estimate to factor in changes in market sentiment, news and announcements.
Why is this important?
By collecting a vast database of future dividends we can better identify excellent yielding stocks and therefore exceptional investment opportunities.
We have built three tools on top of all this information which helps our customers grow their investment portfolios and predict their income.
If you would like to see the tools in action, why not try them out for free now: