Foxtons Group PLC has proposed a final dividend of 0.95p per share

DividendMax Ltd.

Foxtons Group PLC has proposed a final dividend of 0.95p per share

For 2025, the Board is proposing a final dividend of 0.95p per share, bringing total dividends declared for 2024 to 1.17p, representing a 30% increase on the prior year.

Other Financial Highlights

  • Revenue increased by 11% to £163.9 million (2023: £147.1 million), with Lettings revenue up 5%, Sales revenue up 31% and Financial Services revenue up 6%.
  • Adjusted EBITDA increased by 36% to £23.8 million (2023: £17.5 million) and adjusted operating profit increased by 38% to £21.6 million (2023: £15.7 million).
  • Profit before tax increased to £17.5 million (2023: £7.9 million) and profit after tax increased to £14.0 million (2023: £5.5 million).
  • Basic adjusted earnings per share was 5.0p (2023: 3.4p) and basic earnings per share was 4.6p (2023: 1.8p)
  • Net free cash flow was £9.8 million (2023: £0.1 million outflow) and net debt at 31 December 2024 was £12.7 million (2023: £6.8 million net debt) reflecting the uses of cash explained on page 17.
  • An interim dividend of 0.22p per share was paid in September 2024. The Board has proposed a final dividend of 0.95p per share, resulting in a total dividend for the year of 1.17p per share (2023: 0.90p per share).

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