The Melrose Industries Plc Board proposes to pay a final dividend of 3.5 pence per share for 2023, making a total dividend for the year of 5.0 pence per share. The final dividend will be paid on 8 May 2024 to those shareholders on the register at 2 April 2024.
Other financial highlights include:
Adjusted operating profit (pre-PLC costs) of £420 million versus initial guidance of £350 million and most recent £405 million. Margins grew by more than 600bps to 12.5%
Adjusted operating profit of £390 million, up 164% on the prior year, a margin of 11.6%. Statutory operating profit of £57 million (2022: loss of £270 million)
Adjusted diluted EPS of 18.7p, compared to 4.1p in 2022, an increase of over 4 times. Statutory diluted EPS of 0.1p (2022: loss of 16.3p)
Net debt1 of £572 million, representing leverage1 of 1.1x, better than their guidance, including a share buyback cost of £93 million