The Centrica plc Directors propose an interim dividend of 1.33 pence per ordinary share (totalling £74 million) for the six months ended 30 June 2023. The dividend will be paid on 16 November 2023 to those shareholders registered on 5 October 2023.
Other financial highlights include:
• Adjusted operating profit (AOP) of £2.1bn (2022: £1.3bn). Adjusted basic EPS of 25.8p (2022: 11.0p).
• Statutory operating profit of £6.5bn (2022: £1.1bn loss). Statutory basic EPS of 73.0p (2022: 14.7p loss).
- £4.7bn non-cash pre-tax gain on certain re-measurements (2022: £2.5bn loss), largely reflecting the unwind of unrealised losses from UK energy supply hedging positions at the end of 2022.
• Group free cash flow of £1.4bn (2022: £0.6bn), in line with the increase in AOP.
• Statutory net cash flow from operating activities of £2.5bn (2022: £0.2bn) includes £1.1bn of margin cash and collateral inflow (2022: £0.5bn outflow).
• Closing adjusted net cash of £3.1bn compared to £1.2bn at the end of 2022.
• Share buyback programme extended by £450m.
• 2023 full year adjusted earnings and free cash flow expected to be heavily weighted towards H1.