The National Grid Plc Board has approved an interim dividend of 17.84p per ordinary share ($1.0307 per American Depositary Share). This represents 35% of the total dividend per share of 50.97p in respect of the last financial year to 31 March 2022 and is in line with the Group's dividend policy. The interim dividend is expected to be paid on 11 January 2023 to shareholders on the register as at 25 November 2022.
Other financial highlights include:
■ Underlying operating profit up 50% at actual exchange rates to £2.1 billion (44% at constant currency). Of the 50% increase, 38% came from a full six months underlying operating profit from UK Electricity Distribution and higher property sales to Berkeley Group; and the remaining 12% came from other key drivers, including a first half contribution from North Sea Link and IFA1 insurance receipts, a stronger USD, partly offset by the sale of Narragansett Electric Company (NECO, Rhode Island) and the impact of NG Partners (NGP) fair value movements.
■ Underlying EPS for continuing operations of 32.4p, up from 22.8p in the prior period. This was driven by the above factors but also includes the impact of higher interest costs principally from inflation on index-linked debt and additional interest costs following the UK Electricity Distribution acquisition.
■ Statutory operating profit up 50% to £2.2 billion, driven principally by the gain on the sale of NECO this year and lower remeasurement gains and adverse timing movements compared to the prior year.
■ Statutory EPS of 30.8p, up from 10.5p on the prior period, driven principally by the gain on the sale of NECO this year, and no repeat of the exceptional deferred tax charge (UK rate change) from half year 2021/22.