FDM Group 2017 final results
Strong operational and financial progress delivered Group-wide
Mounties assigned to client sites at week 52 were up 17% at 3,170 (2016: 2,705)
Mountie utilisation rate for the year to 31 December 2017 was 97.3% (2016: 97.4%)
72 new clients secured globally (2016: 49)
Continued sector diversification, with 72% (2016: 67%) of new clients won during the year outside the financial services sector
Further successful geographic expansion particularly in APAC, which grew Mounties assigned by 31% compared with week 52 2016
Continued investment in training Academies, with global training capacity at year-end up 9% over December 2016
The Group continued to deliver strong cash conversion of over 100% of adjusted profit before tax
2017 saw the Group report a 0.0% differential in its UK Gender Pay Gap reporting
Final dividend of 14.0 pence per share giving a total ordinary dividend for the year of 26.0 pence, an increase of 33% on 2016