Italian Stock Exchange Listings

The table below details the members of the Italian Stock Exchange which DividendMax tracks

Company Ticker Price Market Cap Indices
Maire S.p.A. MAIRE €7.94 €2.6bn
Mediobanca - Banca Di Credito Finanziario Spa MB €13.86 €11.5bn STOXX600
MFE-MediaForEurope MFEA €2.95 €979mn
Moncler SPA MONC €50.02 €13.7bn STOXX600 Euronext 100
Piaggio & C. S.p.A. PIA €2.06 €730mn
Pirelli & C. S.p.A. PIRC €5.48 €5.5bn STOXX600
Portobello S.P.A. POR €2.48 €13mn
Poste Italiane S.p.a PST €13.58 €17.7bn STOXX600
Prysmian S.p.A PRY €61.10 €18.1bn STOXX600
Recordati SpA REC €50.35 €10.5bn STOXX600
Safilo Group S.p.A. SFL €0.91 €376mn
Saipem Spa SPM €2.64 €2.7bn STOXX600
Saras Raffinerie Sarde SPA SRS €1.60 €1.5bn
Sciuker Frames SPA SCK €2.00 €45mn
Snam S.p.A. SRG €4.24 €14.2bn STOXX600 Euronext 100
Telecom Italia S.p.A. TIT €0.25 €3.8bn FTSE MIB STOXX600
Telecom Italia S.p.A. TITR €0.29 €1.7bn
Tenaris S.A. TEN €18.01 €20.9bn STOXX600 Euronext 100
Terna - Trasmissione Elettricita Rete Nazionale TRN €7.57 €15.2bn STOXX600
Unicredit Spa UCG €37.60 €61.5bn STOXX600 Euro Stoxx 50 Euronext 100
Unieuro S.p.A. UNIR €11.78 €246mn
Unione Di Banche Italiane UBI €3.59 €4.1bn STOXX600
Unipol Gruppo S.p.A. UNI €11.78 €4.4bn
UnipolSai S.p.A. US €2.53 €1.3bn
WeBuild S.p.A. WBD €2.83 €2.9bn
Zignago Vetro ZV €9.19 €821mn