Judges Scientific Plc is recommending a final dividend of 74.8p per share

DividendMax Ltd.

Judges Scientific Plc is recommending a final dividend of 74.8p per share

The Judges Scientific Plc Board is recommending a final dividend of 74.8p per share subject to approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 22 May 2025, which will make a total distribution of 104.5p per share in respect of 2024 (2023: 95p per share). The total dividend per share is 2.7 times covered by adjusted earnings per share (2023: 3.9 times). Their policy of increasing the dividend by a minimum of 10% per year remains sustainable as long as there is ample cover. 

The proposed final dividend, if approved by shareholders, will be payable on Friday 11 July 2025 to shareholders on the register on Friday 13 June 2025. The shares will go ex-dividend on Thursday 12 June 2025. 

Other financial highlights include:

Organic revenue decreased 8% compared with 2023.

Organic order intake up 7% compared with 2023.

Organic order book of 19.2 weeks (2023: 16.7 weeks); total order book of 18.7 weeks.

Cash conversion of 122% (2023: 90%).

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