Kier Group plc announce an interim dividend of 2.00p

DividendMax Ltd.

Kier Group plc announce an interim dividend of 2.00p

Keir Group Board declaring an interim dividend of 2.00p per share. This represents an increase of 20% on HY24 (1.67p) and a dividend cover of c.3.5x in line with their capital allocation framework.

The interim dividend will be paid on 2 June 2025 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 25 April 2025. The shares will be marked ex-dividend on 24 April 2025. 

Other financial highlights include:

o Revenue growth of 5% and adjusted operating profit growth of 3%

o Strong operational delivery across Infrastructure Services and Construction

o Adjusted operating margin maintained at 3.4%

o Reported operating profit increased 4% to £45.7m (HY24: £44.1m)

o Free Cash outflow of £(49.8)m reflecting a return to more normal seasonal working capital movement (HY24: £(7.9)m)

o Strong balance sheet; net cash at period-end of £57.9m, a significant progression on the prior period-end (HY24: £17.0m)

o Average month-end net debt materially reduced by £99m to £(38)m

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