Keir Group Board declaring an interim dividend of 2.00p per share. This represents an increase of 20% on HY24 (1.67p) and a dividend cover of c.3.5x in line with their capital allocation framework.
The interim dividend will be paid on 2 June 2025 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 25 April 2025. The shares will be marked ex-dividend on 24 April 2025.
Other financial highlights include:
o Revenue growth of 5% and adjusted operating profit growth of 3%
o Strong operational delivery across Infrastructure Services and Construction
o Adjusted operating margin maintained at 3.4%
o Reported operating profit increased 4% to £45.7m (HY24: £44.1m)
o Free Cash outflow of £(49.8)m reflecting a return to more normal seasonal working capital movement (HY24: £(7.9)m)
o Strong balance sheet; net cash at period-end of £57.9m, a significant progression on the prior period-end (HY24: £17.0m)
o Average month-end net debt materially reduced by £99m to £(38)m