St. James Place Plc announce a inal dividend for 2024 of 12.00 pence per share

DividendMax Ltd.

St. James Place Plc announce a inal dividend for 2024 of 12.00 pence per share

The St. James's Place Plc Board are declaring a 12.00 pence per share final dividend, subject to shareholder approval at the AGM, and a £92.6 million final share buy-back programme for 2024. This will bring the total shareholder returns to £223.6 million for the year, equivalent to 50% of the Underlying cash result.

Other financial highlights include:

Post-tax Underlying cash result of £447.2 million (2023: £392.4 million), up 14% year-on-year despite charge structure implementation costs headwind

Post-tax Underlying cash result basic earnings per share 82.0 pence (2023: 71.7 pence)

IFRS profit after tax £398.4 million (2023: loss of £9.9 million)

EEV net asset value per share £16.25 (31 December 2023: £14.11)

Gross inflows of £18.4 billion (2023: £15.4 billion)

Net inflows represented 2.6% of opening funds under management (2023: 3.5%)

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