Grainger Plc announce a dvidend up +14% to 7.55p per share
Other financial highlights include:
+14% growth delivered in Net Rental Income to £110.1m (FY23: £96.5m)
+21% growth delivered in EPRA Earnings to £48.0m (FY23: £39.8m)
Adjusted Earnings down (6)% to £91.6m (FY23: £97.6m) as guided due to their reducing regulated tenancy portfolio and therefore reduced contribution from sales profits
+6.3% like-for-like rental growth in their portfolio (FY23: 7.7%)
o +6.3% like-for-like rental growth in their BTR/PRS Portfolio
+5.6% on new lets (FY23: 9.2%)
+6.8% on renewals (FY23: 7.2%)
o +6.6% like-for-like rental growth in their Regulated Tenancy Portfolio (FY23: 5.9%)