Unilever Plc has increased the quarterly interim dividend for Q2 by 3.0%

DividendMax Ltd.

Unilever Plc has increased the quarterly interim dividend for Q2 by 3.0%

Unilever plc has declared a quarterly interim dividend for Q2 2024 of £0.3696 per ordinary share or €0.4396 per ordinary share at the applicable exchange rate issued by WM/Reuters on 23 July 2024.

Other financial highlights include:

  • Underlying sales growth of 4.1%, with volumes up 2.6%
  • Power Brands (~75% of turnover) leading growth with 5.7% USG and volumes up 4.0%
  • Turnover increased 2.3% to €31.1 billion with (1.1)% impact from currency and (0.7)% from net disposals
  • Underlying operating margin up 250bps to 19.6%, with gross margin up 420bps
  • Brand and marketing investment up 180bps to 15.1%, focused on Power Brands
  • Underlying EPS increased 16.3%, diluted EPS up 5.4%
  • Quarterly dividend raised by 3%; €1.5bn share buyback commenced
  • Free cash flow of €2.2 billion, reflecting seasonal working capital outflow

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