Solid State announce a final dividend of 14.5p

DividendMax Ltd.

Solid State announce a final dividend of 14.5p

The Solid State Directors are proposing a final dividend of 14.5p (2022/23: 13.5p) resulting in a full year dividend of 21.5p (2022/23: 20p) per share, which is covered 4.6 times by adjusted earnings (2022/23: 4 times).

The increase in dividend cover is as a result of the recognition of Systems revenue and profits on deliveries made in FY24 on specific contracts previously expected to be recognised in FY25. This ensures their dividend is sustainable and they are able to maintain their commitment to a progressive dividend policy in the year ahead.

The final dividend is subject to approval by shareholders at the AGM on 4 September 2024. The final dividend will be paid on 27 September 2024 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 6 September 2024, and the shares will be marked ex-dividend on 5 September 2024.

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