B.P.Marsh & Partners Group is recommending a final dividend of 5.36p per share

DividendMax Ltd.

B.P.Marsh & Partners Group is recommending a final dividend of 5.36p per share

The B.P.Marsh & Partners Group is recommending a final dividend of 5.36p per share (£2.0m) to be paid on 26 July 2024 to all shareholders on the register on 28 June 2024, with the ex-dividend date being 27 June 2024. This final dividend will be subject to Shareholder Approval at the Group's Annual General Meeting to be held on 23 July 2024.

Other financial highlights:

Consolidated profit before tax of £43.6m (31 January 2023: £27.6m)

Total Shareholder return of £41.7m (22.0%) for the year, comprising growth in Net Asset Value and the dividends paid in February 2023, July 2023 and November 2023

Net Asset Value has increased by £39.7m to £229.2m (31 January 2023: £189.5m), a 20.9% increase

Net Asset Value per share increased by 102.8p to 629.0p (31 January 2023: 526.2p)

Disposal of Kentro Capital Limited and receipt of £51.5m in proceeds

Disposal of Paladin Holdings Limited / CBC UK Limited agreed for £42.1m upfront consideration, with post-year end completion

Three new equity investments were made during the year

Three further equity investments, including one new investment, made post-year end

Equity portfolio valuation increase of 35.9% (2023: 19.1%)

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