Vianet Group Plc Board proposes final dividend of 0.75p per share

DividendMax Ltd.

Vianet Group Plc Board proposes final dividend of 0.75p per share

For the full-year dividend, the Vianet Group Plc Board proposes 0.75p per share, payable on 2 August 2024 to shareholders on the register on 21 June 2024.

Other financial highlights:

Revenue for FY2024 increased by 7.6% to £15.18m (FY2023: £14.12m).

Recurring revenue increased further to £12.94m (FY2023 £12.52m), accounting for 85% of total revenue (FY2023: 89%), with hardware sales up 40% to £2.24m (FY2023: £1.60m).

Gross Margin has improved by 3.5% to 68.7% (FY2023: 66.4%).

Adjusted EBITA (pre-exceptional and share-based payments) has risen 11.6% to £3.47m (FY2023: £3.11m), ahead of market expectations as of H1 2024.

Profit before tax £0.78m (FY2023: £0.45m)

Basic earnings per share rose to 2.72p (FY2023: 0.56p)

Normalised profit to cash conversion was 104.3% of EBITDA

Net debt has been significantly reduced by 54.9% to £1.52m (FY2023: £3.37m).

Year-end cash reserves have risen to £1.82m (FY2023: £0.07m).

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