Sirius Real Estate announce a dividend of 3.05c per share

DividendMax Ltd.

Sirius Real Estate announce a dividend of 3.05c per share

The Sirius Real Estate Limited Board has authorised a progressive dividend of 3.05c per share for the second half of the financial year, increasing on the 2.98c per share dividend for the equivalent period in the prior year. This brings the total dividend for the year to 6.05c, an increase of 6.5% on the 5.68c dividend for the year ended 31 March 2023.

Other financial highlights include:

Investment properties valued at €2,210.6m (2023: €2,123.0m)

€12.4m net portfolio valuation increase in spite of valuation yield expansion

Portfolio gross yield of 7.5% in Germany (2023: 7.3%) with a net yield of 6.8% (2023: 6.5%) alongside a 14.1% gross yield (2023: 13.2%) and a net yield of 9.9% (2023: 9.3%) in the UK, on a like for like basis

EPRA NTA per share increasing by 1.6% to 109.82c (2023: 108.11c) demonstrating the resilience of the portfolio

Adjusted NAV per share increased by 1.8% to 111.12c (2023: 109.21c)

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