The Intermediate Capital Board has proposed a final dividend of 53.2p per share which, combined with the interim dividend of 25.8p per share, results in total dividends for the year of 79.0p (FY23: 77.5p).
Other financial highlights include:
- AUM of $98bn; fee-earning AUM of $70bn, up 11% compared to FY23 and five-year annualised growth of 17%
- Fundraising of $13.0bn, including 31% from North America and 11% from Wealth channel. LP Secondaries held its final close at the hard cap of $1.0bn
- Record management fees of £505m, up 5% compared to FY23 (+11% excluding catch-up fees)
- Performance fees of £74m
- Fund Management profit before tax of £375m, up 21% compared to FY23
- Net Investment Returns of £379m (13%); Investment Company profit before tax of £223m; NAV per share of 801p
- Revised medium-term guidance, including fundraising target of at least $55bn in aggregate in the next four years