Victorian Plumbing Group have announced an interim dividend of 0.52p per share

DividendMax Ltd.

Victorian Plumbing Group have announced an interim dividend of 0.52p per share

The Victorian Plumbing Group Board has declared an interim dividend of 0.52 pence per share (H1 2023: 0.45 pence per share), which represents a total cash distribution to shareholders of £1.7m (H1 2023: £1.5m). The dividend will be paid on 16 August 2024 to shareholders on the register of members at the close of business on 19 July 2024.

Other financial highlights include:

Resilient H1 2024 revenue down 1% to £144.6m (H1 2023: £146.8m) or flat on a like-for-like ("LFL") basis when adjusting for the impact of Easter timing.

Gross profit up 8% to £72.3m (H1 2023: £66.8m); gross profit margin increased 4%pts to 50% (H1 2023: 46%), representing the highest gross margin since listing in 2021, underpinned by own brand sales.

Gross profit margin improvement drove a 33% increase in adjusted EBITDA to £13.2m (H1 2023: £9.9m); adjusted EBITDA margin increased 2%pts to 9% (H1 2023: 7%).

Adjusted PBT increased 40% to £11.5m (H1 2023: £8.2m); adjusted PBT margin increased 2%pts to 8% (H1 2023: 6%).

Operating cash conversion remained robust at 65% (H1 2023: 66%), with free cash flow up 32% to £8.6m (H1 2023: £6.5m).

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