- Stable policy count overall as the introduction of over 700,000 new Motability customers offset lower policies elsewhere primarily in Motor and associated Rescue.
- Gross written premium and associated fees increased by 27.1% during 2023, with 46.2% growth in the second half.
The Direct Line Insurance Group Board is proposing a dividend in respect of 2023 of 4.0 pence per share (£52 million)
Other financial highlights include:
- Net insurance margin of minus 8.3% was impacted by the continued earn through of Motor policies written during 2022 and first half of 2023. Outside of Motor, the Group delivered a good result and a net insurance margin of 12.2%.
- In Motor, premium rate increases contributed to a 5.8 percentage point improvement in the current year net insurance claims ratio in the second half of 2023. Motor policies written since August estimated to be in line with the Group's ambition of a net insurance margin of above 10%.
- Operating loss from ongoing operations of £189.5 million in 2023, compared to a loss of £6.4 million in 2022, with the adverse movement in the net insurance margin partially offset by an increase in investment income. The proceeds of the sale of the Group's brokered commercial business contributed to a profit before tax of £277.4 million, up from a loss before tax of £301.8 million in 2022.