The Restore Plc Board is recommending a final dividend of 3.35 pence, payable on 9 July 2024 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 7 June 2024. This brings the total dividend for the year to 5.2 pence (2022: 7.4 pence).
Other financial highlights include:
Group revenue broadly flat at £277.1m (2022: £279.0m):
o Digital and Information Management revenue £170.1m (2022: £168.2m); strong growth in Records Management storage revenues, Digital impacted by fewer major scanning projects than 2022.
o Secure Lifecycle Services revenue £107.0m (2022: £110.8m); record revenue at Harrow Green, Technology and Datashred impacted by slower IT replacement market and lower recycled paper prices respectively.
Significant contract awards and projects in the year included HM Revenue & Customs, the BBC and the largest pharmaceutical company move in the UK.
Adjusted profit before tax down 26% to £30.3m, reflecting weak trading in Technology, Digital and Datashred, and higher interest costs.