The Cohort Board has declared an interim dividend increase of over 10% to 4.70 pence per share (2022: 4.25 pence per share). The interim dividend is payable on 13 February 2024 to shareholders on the register as at 5 January 2024.
Other financial highlights include:
Revenue up 22% to £94.3m (2022: £77.5m).
Adjusted operating profit up 20% to £6.0m (2022: £5.0m).
Adjusted earnings per share of 10.36 pence (2022: 10.12 pence) impacted by a higher tax rate and higher net interest charge.
Order intake of £119.1m (2022: £88.6m), 1.3x the period's revenue.
Record closing order book of £353.9m (30 April 2023: £329.1m).
Net funds of £13.3m at 31 October 2023 (31 October 2022: £0.6m net debt; 30 April 2023: £15.6m net funds).