In line with Just Group Plc's stated policy to grow the dividend over time, the Board is recommending a final dividend of 1.23 pence per share bringing the total dividend for the year ended 31 December 2022 to 1.73 pence per share, representing a 15% increase on the annualised dividend.
Other Financial Highlights:
- Underlying operating profits up 19% to £249m (FY 21: £210m), driven by higher in-force operating profit and increased new business profits.
- Retirement Income sales up 17% to £3.1bn (FY 21: £2.7bn), driven by Defined Benefit De-risking ("DB") sales, which grew by 33%.
- Strong momentum in Q1 2023, including their largest DB transaction to date (£513m). A very favourable DB market backdrop and a £6bn pipeline means they expect substantial DB sales growth in 2023.