AJ Bell announce a final dividend of 4.59 pence per share proposed, increasing the total ordinary dividend for the year by 6% to 7.37 pence per share (FY21: 6.96 pence per share), an 18th consecutive year of ordinary dividend growth
Other financial highlights include:
●Strong financial performance, with revenue up 12% to £163.8 million (FY21: £145.8 million) and profit before tax (PBT) up 6% to £58.4 million (FY21: £55.1 million)
●PBT margin of 35.6% (FY21: 37.8%), reflecting the planned investment in new propositions, Dodl and Touch, and the impact of price reductions made in the year to benefit customers
●Diluted earnings per share up 6% to 11.35 pence (FY21: 10.67 pence)