Aeorema Comnmunications Group Plc propose a final dividend of 2 pence per share be paid to shareholders on 20 January 2023. The dividends are subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and have not been included as liabilities in these consolidated financial statements. The proposed dividends are payable to all shareholders on the Register of Members on 23 December 2022. The total estimated dividend to be paid is £184,760. The payment of this dividend will not have any tax consequences for the Group.
Other financial highlights include:
• Record operational and financial performance:
o Revenue up 140% to £12.2 million (2021: £5.09m)
o Profit before tax of £843,564 (2021: loss of £159,698)
• Adapting and developing of the Group's service offering to become an integrated agency with a bespoke event offering spanning live, virtual, and hybrid experiences, resulting in an incredibly flexible business model
• Demand for live events returning, with the addition of lucrative consultancy services, including a sustainability consultancy offering going forward
• New office in Amsterdam opened to support the global growth strategy, adding to the Group's current offices in London and New York
• Loyal, international blue-chip client base, spanning a broad range of sectors where they are seeing commitment to increasing numbers of longer-term contracts
• A number of significant award wins during the period and post-period end including Global Agency of the Year at the C&IT Awards
• Strong cash balance of £1.7 million