The Johnson. Service. Group plc Board has reinstated its dividend payments. An interim dividend of 0.8 pence per share will be paid on 4 November 2022 to those Shareholders on the register of members on 7 October 2022. The ex-dividend date is 6 October 2022.
Other financial highlights include:
- Total revenue of £176.2 million (June 2021: £99.6 million).
- Organic revenue up 73.0% compared to H1 2021 and broadly in line with H1 2019.
- Adjusted EBITDA of £42.8 million (June 2021: £16.9 million); margin of 24.3% (June 2021: 17.0%).
- Adjusted operating profit of £12.8 million (June 2021: loss of £9.5 million).
- Operating profit of £6.7 million (June 2021: loss of £12.3 million).
- Adjusted profit before taxation of £11.2 million (June 2021: loss of £11.1 million).
- Profit before taxation of £5.1 million (June 2021: loss of £13.9 million).
- Adjusted diluted EPS of 2.3 pence (June 2021: 1.9 pence loss).
- Diluted EPS of 1.1 pence (June 2021: loss of 2.5 pence).