The Entain Plc Board is proposing a progressive dividend, starting with a total dividend of £100m for the Financial Year to 31 December 2022, to be paid to shareholders in equal instalments in respect of the H1 and FY results.
The interim dividend of £50m (8.5p per share) in respect of the H1 2022 results announced today is expected to be paid in September 2022 to shareholders on register on 19 August 2022.
Other financial highlights include:
Robust Group performance during H1, reflecting the diversified business model and underlying momentum of the online business
Total Group net gaming revenue ("NGR") growth of 18% (+18%cc2)
o Online NGR down 7% (-7%cc) reflecting strong prior year comparators driven by Covid lockdowns, temporary closure in the Netherlands, affordability measures in the UK and customers responding to the economic backdrop
Excluding the Netherlands, NGR was down -3%cc
Strong underlying momentum with H1 Online NGR 3yr CAGR up 13%cc
Retail perfomance ahead of expectations with a more interactive digital experience across gaming machines and betting terminals driving greater customer engagement
BetMGM continues to perform strongly and is on track to deliver FY22 NGR of over $1.3bn
o H1 NGR of $608m, 65% ahead of 2021
o Established number two operator with 23% market share where BetMGM operates (excluding New York)
o Consistent leading iGaming operator with 30% market share
o Reiterate expectation to reach positive EBITDA during 2023,
Group EBITDA up 17% at £471m
Group profit after tax from continuing operations £28m, down £63m
FY 2022 Group EBITDA expected to be in the range of £925m to £975m, in line with current consensus