The Hilton Food Group Plc has maintained a progressive dividend policy since flotation. The Board is satisfied that the Group has adequate headroom under its existing facilities and that it is appropriate to continue to operate this dividend policy. With the proposed final dividend of 21.5p per ordinary share, total dividends in respect of 2021 will be 29.7p per ordinary share, an increase of 14.2% compared to last year.
Other financial highlights include:
- Group revenue up 21.6% to £3.3bn (2020: £2.77bn), driven by growth across proteins and geographies
- Volume growth of 7.0% to 492,588 tonnes (2020: 469,110 tonnes)
- Adjusted profit before tax higher by 13.0% to £67.2m (2020: £61.1m)
- IFRS profit before tax lower by 12.3% to £47.4m (2020: £54.0) after exceptional items of £8.2m
- Adjusted basic earnings per share up 13.8% at 61.3p (2020: 55.4p)
- IFRS basic earnings per share down 7.4% at 45.0p (2020: 48.6p)
- Strong cash flows from operating activities £121.3m (2020: £120.8m) with £57.4m capex investment and a strong balance sheet following refinancing