Schroders Plc proposes a final dividend of 85p per share

DividendMax Ltd.

Schroders Plc proposes a final dividend of 85p per share

The Shroders Board will recommend a final dividend of 85 pence (2020: 79.0 pence). This will bring the total dividend for the year to 122.0 pence (2020: 114.0 pence), which represents a 7% increase compared to 2020. The final dividend will be paid on 5 May 2022 to shareholders on the register on 25 March 2022.

Other financial highlights include:

Profit before tax up 25%, reaching £764.1 million.

Generated net new business (NNB) of £35.3 billion, representing an annual organic growth rate of 5%. Their assets under management (AUM) increased by 10%, up from £663.0 billion at 31 December 2020, to a new high of £731.6 billion


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