The Bodycote Board has decided that an interim dividend for 2021 of 6.2p (2020: 6.0p) will be paid on 5 November 2021 to all shareholders on the register at close of business on 8 October 2021.
Other financial highlights include:
Revenues up 5.9% to £312.9m (2.0% at actual rates)
Headline Operating Profit up 35% to £48.7m
Headline Operating Margin increased to 15.6% (2020: 12.3%); with AGI margins above 20% for the first time
Free cash flow of £60m (124% free cash conversion)
£78m net cash from operating activities
Profits benefit strongly from restructuring and efficiency improvements, with gearing over 70%
On track to deliver £20m net restructuring cost savings in 2021
Specialist Technologies and Emerging Market strategies delivering strong outperformance against background markets