Experian announces a second interim dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2021 of 32.5 US cents per ordinary share will be paid on 23 July 2021, to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 25 June 2021. This dividend is not included as a liability in these financial statements. This second interim dividend and the first interim dividend paid in February 2021 comprise the full-year dividend for the financial year of 47.0 US cents per ordinary share. Dividend amounts are quoted gross, and shareholders will be paid dividends in pounds sterling unless they have elected otherwise by 25 June 2021.
In the year ended 31 March 2021, the employee trusts waived their entitlements to dividends of US$2m (2020: US$4m). There is no entitlement to dividend in respect of own shares held as treasury shares.
Other financial highlights include:
o Full year revenue growth at constant currency was +7%. Full year organic revenue +4%, with Q4 +5%.
o Full year organic revenue growth in North America and Latin America +7% and +9% respectively. Organic revenue in UK and Ireland and EMEA/Asia Pacific declined (6)% and (14)% respectively.
o Full year organic growth in Consumer Services revenue was +17%, while Business-to-Business (B2B) was flat.
o Benchmark EBIT growth at constant exchange rates of +3%. Benchmark EBIT margin of 25.9% at actual exchange rates (2020: 26.9%).
o Benchmark EPS growth of +4% at constant currency and flat at actual exchange rates.
o Conversion rate of Benchmark EBIT into Benchmark operating cash flow of 106%.