The CMC Board has declared an interim dividend of 9.20 pence per share (H1 2020: 2.85 pence per share), with a view to paying a final dividend in line with the Group's policy of 50% of profit after tax. The interim dividend will be paid on 18 December 2020 to those members on the register at the close of business on 27 November 2020.
Other financial highlights include:
Record H1 trading performance, with net operating income up £128.6 million (126%) to £230.9 million (H1 2020: £102.3 million)
CFD gross client income up 68%, representing increased client trading and demand from new and existing clients
CFD revenue per active client up 66% to £3,392, with an unwavering strategic focus on high quality clients
CFD active clients increased by 17,479 to 59,082 (42%), demonstrating the continuing attractiveness of the platform to existing and new clients, with encouraging early signs around new client quality and longevity
Stockbroking net trading revenue up 82% driven by significantly increased client trading as a result of higher market volatility and increases in the client base
Operating expenses excluding variable remuneration up 22% to £79.1 million (H1 2020: £64.8 million) due to higher marketing costs to attract high-value new clients, increases in client trading-related variable costs, and investments in technology and platforms resulting in increased staff costs
Operating expenses including variable remuneration up 25% to £88.9 million (H1 2020: £71.2 million)
Profit before tax up 369%, demonstrating strong operating leverage
Regulatory total capital ratio of 27.3% and net available liquidity of £247.9 million