At the half year the 4Imprint Board declared an interim dividend per share of 25.00c, representing an increase of 20% over 2018. In view of the Group's performance in the second half of the year and in line with their balance sheet funding and capital allocation guidelines, the Board is to recommend a final dividend per share of 59.00c, an increase of 20%, giving a total paid and proposed 2019 regular dividend of 84.00c, up 20% over prior year.
Other financial highlights include:
Group revenue for 2019 was $860.8m, an increase of $122.4m (17%) over 2018. All of the revenue growth was organic, reflecting increasing share in a large but still very fragmented market. Underlying profit before tax was $54.7m, 20% ahead of the prior year.
Profit before tax was $54.0m, an increase of 22% over 2018, and profit after tax improved over prior year by 21%. Basic earnings per share also rose 21% to 152.42c.
The 4imprint business model remains highly cash generative. The 2019 year end cash balance of $41.1m, (2018: $27.5m) leaves the Group in a strong financial position.
The Company became a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index during the year.