BT have declared an interim dividend of 4.62p per share, 30% of last year's full-year dividend of 15.4p per share.
Other financial highlights include:
Reported revenue £11,467m, down 1% mainly reflecting the impact of regulation, declines in legacy products, and strategically reducing low margin business
Reported profit before tax £1,333m, broadly flat year on year; adjusted EBITDA £3,923m, down 3% due to lower revenues, increased spectrum fees, content costs and investment to improve competitive positioning partly offset by cost savings from transformation programmes
Net cash inflow from operating activities of £2,173m; normalised free cash flow of £604m, down 38% due to increased capital expenditure, higher interest and tax payments, partially offset by one-off cash flows
Capital expenditure £1,882m. Up £225m excluding BDUK grant funding deferral, driven by increased network investment
Net debt increased primarily due to implementation of IFRS 16, £6.1bn, and net business cash outflows, £1.2bn
Overall financial outlook maintained