Financial highlights
Revenue from Continuing Operations up 15.5% to £139.1 million (1H16: £120.4 million), up 4.9% at constant currency
Language Services revenue up 19.3% to £89.5 million (+8.9% at constant currency)
Language Technologies revenue up 17.5% to £22.8 million (+6.0% at constant currency)
Global Content Technologies revenue up 2.6% at £26.8 million (down 7.7% at constant currency), against strong prior period perpetual licence fees
Adjusted PBITA2for Continuing Operations was £8.0 million, Total Adjusted PBITA £4.9 million (1H16: Continuing Operations £11.6 million, Total £9.5 million)
Language Services PBITA £5.4 million (1H16: £8.8 million) and margin 6.0% (1H16: 11.7%), as a result of investment and higher short-term use of freelancers to meet the growth in the period
Technology Divisions Continuing Adjusted PBITA £2.6 million (1H16: £2.8 million)
Adjusted Continuing Operations Earnings Per Share of 6.95p (1H16: 12.10p)
Cash generated from Continuing Operations before One-off items of £1.6 million (1H16: £14.4m). Cash absorbed by total operations of £6.1 million (2016: Cash generated from total operations: £6.4million)
Period-end net cash increased to £26.1 million (30 June 2016: £13.3 million), following the sale of Non-Core businesses