Beazley plc results for period ended 30 June 2017
Profit before tax of $158.7m (30 June 2016: $150.2m)
Return on equity of 18% (30 June 2016: 19%)
Gross premiums written increased by 2% to $1,149.3m (30 June 2016: $1,124.1m)
Combined ratio of 90% (30 June 2016: 90%)
Rate reduction on renewal portfolio of 2% (30 June 2016: reduction of 2%)
Prior year reserve releases of $83.4m (30 June 2016: $77.4m)
Net investment income of $79.4m (30 June 2016: $62.7m)
First interim dividend of 3.7p (30 June 2016: 3.5p)