Financial highlights
14th consecutive year of increased underlying EBITDA up 27.2% to £7.83m (2016: £6.15m)
Revenue increased by 19.2% to £34.4m (2016: £28.9m)
Gross margin % increased by 2.0% to 42.3% (2016: 40.3%)
Underlying EBITDA margin % increased by 1.4% to 22.7% (2016: 21.3%)
20.3% increase to adjusted earnings per share to 23.09p (2016: 19.19p)
19.2% increase to dividends declared to 7.75p (Interim 3.75p, Final 4.00p) (2016: 6.50p)
Year-end net debt of £15.5m (2016: £6.0m)
New 5 year £30m revolving credit facility in place with Barclays and RBS
Operational highlights
Managed services accounted for 55.4% of total revenue (2016: 44.3%)
Acquisition of entire issued share capital of Comms Group UK Limited completed in May 2016
Acquisition of entire issued share capital of CAT Communications Limited and Progressive Communications Limited in November 2016
Acquisition of entire issued share capital of OurIT Department Limited in February 2017