Group Highlights
Revenue down 1.8% to USD 61.1 million (2015 H1: USD62.2 million)
Gross profit increased by 28.4% to USD31.4 million (2015 H1: USD24.5 million)
Operating profit increased by 127.7% to USD5.5 million (2015 H1: USD2.4 million)
Share of profits from Starry were approximately USD1.1 million (2015 H1: USD1.3 million)
Post tax profit before non-controlling interests was USD0.7 million (2015 H1: loss of USD1.3 million)
Loss attributable to owners of the parent was USD1.9 million (2015 H1: loss of USD4.3 million)
The Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the "Group") were impacted by the devaluation of the RMB by 6.6% over the period