Dividend policy
There has been no change to the Group's previously stated policy (as detailed in the chairman's statement within the 2014 annual report) in respect to normal dividends which will remain unchanged at 35-45% of underlying profit after tax. Underlying profits are illustrated separately on the face of the income statement and are measured as profit after tax but before exceptional items, amortisation of acquired intangibles, contingent consideration and share-based payments.
This policy aligns with the Group's strategic plan which requires an increased level of investment to deliver significant EBITDA growth and enhance shareholder returns. In February 2016, we sold 8,659,302 Zoopla shares realising £19.1 million which will be returned to shareholders by way of a share buyback programme. We continue to hold 9,234,473 Zoopla ordinary shares. The Board has the potential to re-introduce special dividends from 2017.
Whilst there are always potential risks (see our principal risks detailed below) and constraints associated with dividend resources to deliver any dividend policy, the key judgements exercised in relation to the current year dividend proposal, which aligns with the stated dividend policy and will be subject to approval at the AGM, have been:
- Distributable profits: the parent company balance sheet demonstrates significant headroom in terms of available distributable profits, providing coverage of both the proposed dividend and additional headroom for future delivery of normal dividends under the stated policy;
- Availability of cash: the parent company can access available cash within the Group by declaration of dividends within underlying subsidiaries (which also generates further distributable profits at the parent company level) or by choosing to call in intercompany balances or accessing external funding (undrawn facilities of £50 million at 31 December 2015); and
- Debt covenants: the Group has sufficient headroom for both the proposed dividend and additional headroom for future delivery of normal dividends under the stated policy.
The Board has recommended a final dividend of 10.0 pence (net) per share (2014: 10.0 pence), giving a total 2015 dividend of 15.0 pence (net) per share (2014: 24.0 pence, including a 9.0 pence special dividend). Subject to approval at the AGM, to be held on 27 April 2016 the dividend will be paid on 5 May 2016 to shareholders on the register at 29 March 2016.