Assets under administration1 up 4% to £307.4bn (2014: £296.6bn) in volatile markets, driven by net inflows of £6.3bn (2014: £1.0bn)
Institutional and Wholesale continuing to meet the needs of clients with net inflows more than doubling to £12.6bn (2014: £6.0bn) representing 13% of opening AUM
o 67% of net inflows from outside the UK as we continue to expand our global reach
o Third party2 investment performance ahead of benchmark over 1 year: 88%; 3 years: 95%; 5 years: 90%
Workplace and Retail demonstrating ongoing momentum with net inflows up 14% to £5.8bn, representing 8% of opening AUA
o Added over 250,000 new customers through auto enrolment contributing to 9% increase in regular contributions into workplace pensions to £2.9bn
o Increased Wrap assets by 22% to £25.5bn with record net inflows of £4.4bn up 27%
Fee based revenue up 10% to £1,579m representing 94% of underlying income
Group underlying performance*,1 up 12% to £630m and operating profit1,3 before tax up 9% to £665m, including £38m reduction in spread/risk margin, with diluted operating EPS4 of 26.1p
Group underlying cash generation1 up 7% to £447m with effective tax rate on cash generation now at 20%
Final dividend of 12.34p making a total of 18.36p, up 7.8% for the year
Well capitalised under Solvency II with a stable surplus of £2.1bn5 and a solvency ratio of 162%5