Beazley plc results for year ended 31st December 2015
Profit before tax of $284.0m (2014: $261.9m)
Return on equity of 19% (2014: 17%)
Gross premiums written increased by 3% to $2,080.9m (2014: $2,021.8m)
Combined ratio of 87% (2014: 89%)
Rate reduction on renewal portfolio of 2% (2014: reduction of 2%)
Prior year reserve releases of $176.3m (2014: $158.1m)
Net investment income of $57.6m (2014: $83.0m)
Second interim dividend of 6.6p (2014: 6.2p), taking full year dividends for the year to 9.9p (2014: full year 9.3p). Special dividend of 18.4p (2014: 11.8p)