Financial highlights:
Record revenue performance with NGR for the period up 22%
85% of revenues from regulated and taxed markets
Underlying EBITDA on a like for like basis excluding the impact of POCT up 57%
Interim dividend increased by 10% to 1.1p (2014: 1.0p)
Confident of meeting full year expectations
Operational highlights:
Mobile casino driving growth and represents 42% of total casino revenues (2014: 32%)
Active casino players in first 6 months up 22% to 62,214 (H1 2014: 50,890)
Casino player yield £380 (H1 2014: £400)
New Casino players recruited up 12% to 26,407 (H1 2014: 23,566)
Post period end events and current trading:
Acquisition of Roxy Palace business acquired post period end brings strong complimentary brand and expertise to the Group
Current trading in the second half of the year to date remains strong, with LFL NGR up 52%,
Roxy Palace business generated a further £2.5m of NGR since acquisition
Ed Ware, CEO commented:
"We are delighted to report a record revenue performance for 32Red in the first half of 2015 with NGR from the business up by 22%. This performance was underpinned by our strong brand, leading customer offer and return on investment-driven marketing expertise. Excluding the impact of the newly introduced point of consumption tax in the UK, underlying EBITDA* was up 57% reflecting the strong operational momentum in the business.
In July we announced the acquisition of Roxy Palace which is a superb fit for our business bringing a strong complementary brand which we are confident will generate significant incremental revenue opportunities. Current trading remains strong with like-for-like NGR up 52% on the prior year in the second half to date and the Board remains confident of meeting its expectations for the year as a whole given our well-focused and exciting offering."