Financial Highlights
· Like for like revenue increased by 9% to US$244.9m; reported revenue declined by 2% to US$220.0m (H1 2014: US$225.1m)
· B2C like for like revenue increased by 11% to US$213.6m; reported B2C revenue declined by 1% to US$191.1m (H1 2014: US$192.8m)
· B2B like for like revenue decreased by 3% to US$31.3m; reported B2B revenue down by 10% to US$28.9m (H1 2014: US$32.3m) impacted by adverse currency movements
· Adjusted EBITDA decreased by 17% to US$40.9m (H1 2014: US$49.0m), an impressive result given the introduction of UK point of consumption and EU VAT during the period amounting to US$19.5m
· Adjusted EBITDA margin decreased to 18.6% (H1 2014: 21.8%)
· Adjusted profit before tax decreased by 10% to US$30.5m (H1 2014: US$34.0m)
· Profit before tax decreased by 41% to US$20.0m (H1 2014: US$34.0m)
· Strong balance sheet with net corporate cash of US$65.0m (31 December 2014: US$95.6m)
· Interim dividend of 3.5 cents per ordinary share (H1 2014: 3.5 cents)