Strong financial performance
· Adjusted operating profit (AOP) of £904 million, up 20% in constant currency, 19% in reported currency
· AOP earnings per share of 10.3p up 18% in constant currency, 17% in reported currency
· Interim dividend of 2.65p up 8%
· Net client cash flow (NCCF) of £1.4 billion
· FUM at £335.7 billion up 7% in constant currency, 5% in reported currency (vs FY2014)
· £508 million net free surplus generated (H1 2014: £467 million)
· Group ROE 15.0%, at the top end of our target range of 12-15%
· IFRS profit after tax distributable to equity holders of the parent of £260 million, up 22% in reported currency