Operational Summary
Revenue up 15%, Operating profit up 20%
Outstanding performance from PVM
Acquisition of MOAB strengthens Energy in the Americas
Resilient performance from the broking business
Strong contribution from Information Sales and RMS
Tullett Prebon Information named best data provider for fifth consecutive year
Financial Highlights
Underlying, before exceptional and acquisition related items
Revenue £415.7m (2014: £360.3m)
Operating profit £60.6m (2014: £50.3m)
Operating margin 14.6% (2014: 14.0%)
Profit before tax £52.9m (2014: £43.2m)
Basic EPS 17.7p (2014: 16.0p)
Reported, after exceptional and acquisition related items
Profit before tax £111.1m (2014: £8.9m)
Basic EPS 36.2p (2014: 1.3p)
A table showing Underlying and Reported figures for each period detailing the exceptional and acquisition related items is included in the Financial Review.
As in previous years, the interim dividend for 2015 has been set at a level equal to 50% of the final dividend paid for the previous year. This approach to setting the interim dividend is expected to continue.
The 5.6p per share interim dividend will be paid on 12 November 2015 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 23 October 2015.