Financial Highlights
• Revenues up 49% to €106.4 million (2013: €71.5 million), ahead of market expectations
GO!Enterprise revenue up 94% to €57.9 million (2013: €29.9 million)
CitronGO! and GO!Social revenue up 11% to €38.5 million (2013: €34.8 million)
• Revenues from North America increased by 334% to €15.5 million (2013: €3.6 million) representing the 15% of the total Group revenues.
EBITDA up 41% to €50.9 million (2013: €36.0 million), ahead of market expectations
• Profit Before Tax up 30% to €35.7 million (2013: €27.4 million), ahead of market expectations
• Earnings Per Share of €0.094 (2013: €0.074), ahead of market expectations
• Free Cash Flow of €7.3 million (2013: €5.2 million)
• Year-end cash position of €82.8 million (2013: €64.2 million) with Net Cash position (cash minus debt) of €40.4 million (2013: €42.8 million)