Financial highlights
Revenue up 24% to record €457.0 million (2013: €367.2 million)
Adjusted EBITDA up 30% to record €207.1 million (2013: €159.4 million)
Adjusted net profit attributable to the owners of the parent up 29% to €190.8 million
(2013: €148.3 million)
Reported net profit attributable to the owners of the parent €140.3 million
(2013: €488.6 million)
Adjusted basic EPS up 28% to 65.0 € cents per share (2013: 50.7 € cents per share)
Cash balances at year end of €692.3 million (2013: €527.4 million)
Recommended final dividend of 17.5 € cents (2013: 15.4 € cents), giving a total 2014 dividend of 26.4 € cents (2013: 23.2 € cents)