DIVIDEND In respect of the six months ended December 31, 2014 the Board has resolved to pay an interim dividend of 19.09 US cents per Ordinary Share (2013: 16.93 US cents per Ordinary Share). Dividend payments will be made in Pounds Sterling to holders of Ordinary Shares and in US Dollars to holders of ADSs. A dividend of 12.51(1) pence per Ordinary Share (2013: 10.21 pence) and 57.27 US cents per ADS (2013: 50.79 US cents) will be paid on April 14, 2015 to shareholders on the register as at the close of business on March 13, 2015. Together with the first interim payment of 3.83 US cents per Ordinary Share (2013: 3.00 US cents per Ordinary Share), this represents total dividends for 2014 of 22.92 US cents per Ordinary Share (2013: 19.93 US cents per Ordinary Share), an increase of 15% in US Dollar terms.