• Group H1 like-for-like revenue up 5%; Q2 like-for-like up 9%, with stable gross margins in H1
• Market share gains across electrical and mobile businesses in the UK & Ireland, Nordics and Greece
• Netherlands and Germany remain challenging but action underway to review and restructure
• Group pro forma Headline PBT of £78m (2013: £60m), up 30%
• Group pro forma Headline EBIT of £100m (2013: £85m)
• Headline basic EPS from continuing operations 7.1p (2013: 3.2p)
• Statutory loss before tax from continuing operations £20m (2013: loss of £27m) after non-Headline charges of £100m, statutory basic EPS from continuing operations loss of 4.7p (2013: loss of 5.4p)
• Interim dividend of 2.5p, payable in January 2015
• Integration progressing well and now expected to deliver a minimum £80m of synergies by 2016-17, one year ahead of plan
• Disposal of Virgin Mobile France completed on 4 December 2014 with net cash proceeds of £104m