Financial Highlights * NAV per share of 78.1p (31 December 2013: 73.1p), a rise of 6.8% mainly due to a 6.0% like-for-like increase in the capital value of the property portfolio, which is now £1.1billion; * NAV total return of 10.1% in the six month period to 30 June 2014, ahead of the IPD benchmark (8.3%) and the FTSE All-Share Index (1.6%) and in-line with the FTSE REITs Index (10.2%); * Strong share price performance with a total return of 9.0% in the period resulting in the Company's shares continuing to trade at a premium toNAV (4.5%); * Consistent longer term outperformance with 5 year share price total return ahead of the IPD benchmark; * Issue of 40,755,022 treasury shares raising proceeds of £32 million which has been used for acquisitions; * Gross gearing of 19.1% continues to be the lowest in the Company's peer group; * Attractive dividend yield of 4.5%, underpinned by quality portfolio of diversified properties and above that of the FTSE REIT Index (3.3%) and the FTSE All-Share Index (3.3%).